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As of this writing, there is no clear winner of the 2020 presidential election. And though it looks like Joe Biden’s lead may hold, his opponent, incumbent Donald J. Trump, seems to think otherwise. Late on Wednesday afternoon, he took to Twitter, boldly and baselessly claiming claiming wins in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, and North Carolina — none of which have been officially called as his. (And in the case of Michigan, it’s been called for Biden.) The bizarre boast prompted John Legend to encourage everyone on Twitter to join him in mocking the oft-ridiculed president.
Let’s all claim things we don’t have any right to. What y’all got https://t.co/Tpv1e65pF2
— John Legend (@johnlegend) November 4, 2020
To be clear, you have to say “hereby” to make it legally binding
— John Legend (@johnlegend) November 4, 2020
“Let’s all claim things we don’t have any right to. What y’all got,” Legend wrote on Twitter. He told people that to participate they must “say ‘hereby’ to make it legally binding.” People were quick to join in the fun.
I hereby claim Trump Tower will be renamed Obama Tower, and made into low income housing (keeping all existing amenities) with priority given to single parent families
— Liz Gumbinner (@Mom101) November 4, 2020
I hereby declare a new season of The OA shall start filming henceforth. @netflix I proclaimth thee my property and ye shall maketh it so. With haste. pic.twitter.com/0Enp01DHar
— QONDI (@WeAreAllOther) November 4, 2020
Well if he’s claiming the State of Michigan, I hereby claim Trump Tower NYC. It’s a homeless shelter now.
— Susan (@Michigandery) November 4, 2020
One wrote, “I hereby claim Trump Tower will be renamed Obama Tower, and made into low income housing (keeping all existing amenities) with priority given to single parent families.” Another tried to save a cancelled show: “I hereby declare a new season of The OA shall start filming henceforth,” they said. “@netflix I proclaimth thee my property and ye shall maketh it so. With haste.” A third chose a more comical response: “Well if he’s claiming the State of Michigan, I hereby claim Trump Tower NYC. It’s a homeless shelter now.”
— Treason Stickers (@treasonstickers) November 4, 2020
You missed out the most important word, so now I hereby claim the title of sexiest man alive.
— Rob Freeman (@RobFreeman) November 4, 2020
I hereby claim that the entire crew of Firefly will return and begin filming season 2 immediately, including Book and Wash who obviously faked their deaths. I have spoken.
— Jaylah (@deathbytang) November 4, 2020
I HEREBY claim all marijuana dispensaries opening up in the state of Arizona.
Forgot the word that makes this a legal binding contract.
— Krystal Pino (@TheKrystalPino) November 4, 2020
I hereby claim Jeff Bezos bank account
— Justin Satzman (@jsatz23) November 4, 2020
I hereby claim:Bruce SpringsteenCatsSongs & musicGemstonesAnimals, rocks, trees & cacti*maybe* Darren CrissNYC & BroadwaySunny daysArtPeace, love, joy, compassion, kindness & understandingthe original Star Wars trilogyQuantum LeapGleeVegan dessertsWhatever I want
— Heidi | #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica | (@heidiscathouse) November 4, 2020
I hereby claim Bradley Cooper is my new husband (sorry babe), two tons of red vines, and Chrissy Teigen and John Legend are my best friends. Let it be so by my decree!
— Belligerentarms (@betsarms) November 4, 2020
I herby declare that I now own G.O.O.D. Music and all its assets! John you can now have your masters back!!!
— Mr. Foster Kwarteng (@blackcaseworker) November 4, 2020
Damn it. Let’s try again.
I HEREBY claim Willoughby street in Los Angeles, California, Willoughby, KY, and for that matter all towns named Willoughby in the entire United States. There are also several businesses bearing my legal name that I would like to claim.
— A Salix (@annasalix) November 4, 2020
I hereby claim all of the swans in the United Kingdom. The Queen doesn’t need all those birds anymore
— The Ghost of a Troubled Jennifer de Guzman (@Jennifer_deG) November 4, 2020