Bossip Video
Source: Sinenkiy / Getty
We’re going to go ahead and warn you now that this story is going to infuriate you, the photos that accompany the story will bring you to tears, and the fact that you likely haven’t heard a peep about this incident in the news will leave you confused and distraught.
A 39-year-old Black woman named Michelle Folson was violently assaulted by two white men at a Duluth, Minnesota business called Rustic Bar. According to KEYC, after initially reporting that the fight was between two women, police have confirmed via security camera footage that Folson was attacked by two grown-ass men. The footage shows that the physical altercation began between the women and at some point, the men intervened and escalated the attack. BringMeTheNews has named the men in question as 56-year-old Mylon Griak and 41-year-old Scott Rabold, both of whom were arrested and charged with misdemeanor assault in the 5th degree. That charge is so insufficient and so insulting that the Duluth Police Department’s Facebook announcement about their investigation was flooded with indignantly incredulous comments from the community.
Folson’s daughter says she was kicked and stomped in the head and has suffered “post-concussion syndrome” in addition to a “traumatic brain injury”. Let the pigs tell it, the misdemeanor charge is more appropriate than a felony charge based on the following rationale:
“…3rd-degree requires proof of substantial bodily harm,” it added. “The evidence presented does not support charges at that level. While the incident is unfortunate and serious, the proper legal jurisdiction for any charging is with the Duluth City Attorney.”
“Substantial bodily harm” is the inflammatory part of this BS statement because if you look at the injuries that Folson suffered, the only thing she suffered was “substantial bodily harm”. We won’t post them here as they are graphic, but if you want to see the violence that white men “allegedly” inflicted upon her, click HERE.
We’ll be keeping you updated and informed on everything regarding this case from this day forward. Justice for Michelle Folson! If you want to contribute to the GoFundMe to assist with her medical bills and other expenses, please click HERE.