After running off with Uncle Clifford’s money and failing to tell Andre she’s pregnant with his baby (or babies), AutumnLakeishaHaileySavageColtonNight (played by Elarica Johnson) slithered away unscathed before announcing her unexpected exit from ‘P-Valley‘ after 2 seasons.
The British actress dropped the bomb on Twitter while everyone was reeling from the skressful and distressful Season 2 finale where her character vanished without facing consequences from the Murda Night mayhem (and everything else) she caused.
When I catch Autumn Lakeisha Hailey Robyn Rihanna Fenty Knight Savage Colton disappearing ass IN THESE STREETS!!! #PValley #PValleyStarz pic.twitter.com/Jxr6yQv4o1
— Church Girl Tendencies (@TBossUKnow) August 14, 2022
In a lengthy Instagram post, Johnson thanked the cast, crew, Showrunner/Creator Katori Hall, and Starz for the opportunity.
Proud to have stepped foot into the world of @pvalleystarz
It’s been an insane 3 year journey in the shoes of Autumn Night.
Thank you @katorihall & @starz
I always take a little bit of my characters away with me and Autumn has left quite a mark .
It was my biggest pleasure working with the cast and crew….I’ll save that for a longer post, but for now…
Thank you everyone for all the #love (and hate lol) the support for this show is quite incredible.
For Autumn Night this is a #goodbye ❤️
For me… it’s a see you on the next one 💋
#pvalley #autmnnight #iwillmissthepynk Exit interview link in bio,” she wrote on Instagram.
She also shed some insight into her decision in an exclusive interview with EW.
“…I knew when it was happening because it was my choice,” she said. “It’s something I discussed with Katori [Hall]. Looking at the scripts this season, and the journeys of the characters and where the Pynk was going, Autumn’s journey felt like it was coming to an end. She has done what she needed to do and it was time for her to move on.”
Hall, who methodically breaks down every episode on Twitter, had this to say about Hailey’s last moments on the hit show.
“It’s so clear that the strip club is a revolving door. For Autumn Hailey Lakiesha Savage, the Pynk has been a place where she has dealt with a lot of trauma, has found friends and lost friends. She was a woman who came in on the wind and her leaving on the wind.
It’s just reflective for who she is as a woman. She saved the Pynk, she did something that Uncle Clifford could not at the time. She changed the Pynk, but she was changed by the Pynk and her relationship with Mercedes [because] she was able to, for the first time in her life, feel like a sister.
She has this trial run at love, and having lost a daughter, she was dealing with that grief that was very heartbreaking. The fact that she is leaving with not one, but maybe two babies in her belly is a sign of hope. There are some women who do come into the strip club space and use it as a stepping stone.”
While some fans were sad to see her character go, others rejoiced at her exit after weeks of mostly deserved slander across social media.
Will you miss Hailey on the show? How do you think they’ll address her departure on the show? Tell us down below and peep some Twitter chitter-chatter over her unexpected exit on the flip.