Torrei
Hart,
the
ex-wife
of
comedian
Kevin
Hart,
will
be
going
on
tour
with
Katt
Williams.
Yes,
you
read
that
right.
The
announcement
follows
Hart
and
Williams
recently
exchanging
words,
following
the
latter’s
appearance
on
Club
Shay
Shay.
Torrei
Hart,
also
a
comedian,
revealed
she
would
be
joining
Williams
on
select
dates
with
more
on
the
way.
“Come
see
me
live
with
my
good
friend
@kattwilliams
on
the
Dark
Matter
Tour,”
Torrei
wrote
on
Instagram.
Advertisement
During
Unplugged,
which
he
hosts
alongside
his
Plastic
Cup
Boyz
on
Hart
got
some
jokes
in
while
watching
the
New
York
Knicks
and
Philadelphia
76ers.
“Another
fun
fact
about
the
New
York
Knicks,
don’t
know
if
you
guys
know
this,
but
Katt
Williams
bought
the
Knicks,
and
it’s
rumored
that
he
took
the
Knicks
back,
returned
them
with
a
receipt,”
Hart
said.
“He’s
the
first
person
to
ever
do
that.
He
bought
them
for
days
and
returned
them.
That’s
another
fun
fact
about
the
New
York
Knicks.”
He
added
a
couple
more
jokes
about
Williams’
claims
about
reading
3,000
books
in
a
year
at
age
six
and
stating
he
runs
a
4.1
40-yard-dash
time.
Kevin
Hart
dropping
“known
facts”
on
Katt
Williams
and
the
Knicks
😅📺
Unplugged
with
Kevin
Hart
on
pic.twitter.com/nnfM5cRBQo—
SportsCenter
(@SportsCenter)
January
6,
Comedian
Katt
WIlliams
really
shook
the
room
among
rappers
and
comedians
alike
on
Shannon
Sharpe’s
Club
Shay
Shay
podcast,
which
has
prompted
almost
all
the
people
mentioned
to
respond,
including
famous
funnyman
Kevin
Hart.
Katt
suggested
that
Hart
is
an
“industry
plant,”
asking,
“Has
there
ever
been
a
comedian
to
get
their
own
sitcom
and
a
starring
role
in
a
movie
like
Hart
did
with
‘Soul
Plane’
on
their
first
year
in
Los
Angeles?”
Hart
responded
to
Williams
on
X,
saying,
“Gotta
get
that
anger
up
outcha
champ….It’s
honestly
sad.
In
the
meantime….
Please
enjoy
to
my
next
film
which
will
be
dropping
on
@netflix
in
days!!!!!
There
is
a
moment
in
the
trailer
where
@gugumbatharaw
says
‘They
Really
Love
You’….I
now
know
she’s
talking
about
‘Katt’
Mark
yo
calendars
world!!!!
This
one
is
Gotta
get
that
anger
up
outcha
champ….It’s
honestly
sad.
In
the
meantime….
Please
enjoy
to
my
next
film
which
will
be
dropping
on
@netflix
in
days!!!!!
There
is
a
moment
in
the
trailer
where
@gugumbatharaw
says
“They
Really
Love
You”
….I
now
know…
pic.twitter.com/vM8PhVoC08—
Kevin
Hart
(@KevinHart4real)
January
4,