Katt
Williams
vs.
Everybody
Source:
Jason
LaVeris/FilmMagic
Social
media
is
over
Katt
Williams
Kevin
Hart,
Steve
Harvey,
Cedric
The
Entertainer,
Tyler
Perry,
Michael
Blackson,
and
more
to
Hell
and
back
during
his
now-viral
appearance
on
Shannon
Sharpe‘s
Club
Shay
Shay
podcast.
Someone
put
Nas’
“Ether”
beat
over
Katt
Williams’
comments
against
Cedric
the
Entertainer
and
Steve
Harvey
🎵pic.twitter.com/anZejsCMGS
—
Complex
(@Complex)
January
4,
During
the
2-hour+
conversation,
Williams
addressed
the
“lies”
told
about
him
by
what
he
referred
to
as
“low-brow
comedians”
who
he
claimed
are
a
“gang”
who’ve
been
in
cahoots
for
years.
“For
years,
they’re
a
group.
These
aren’t
three
random
guys,”
Katt
said
on
Club
Shay
Shay.
“All
of
these
dudes
are
co-entwined
and
they
share
secrets,
and
this
is
the
age
of
truth.”
More
specifically,
Williams
called
out
Cedric
The
Entertainer
for
plagiarism,
accusing
the
comedian
of
stealing
his
joke
from
a
comedy
set
in
the
late
’90s.
“This
is
not
just
a
random
joke.
This
is
my
very
best
joke
and
it’s
my
last
joke,
and
it’s
my
closing
joke,”
Williams
explained.
“1998,
I’m
doing
this
joke.
It’s
on
ComicView.
Cedric
comes
to
The
Comedy
Store.
He
watches
me
in
the
audience.
He
comes
backstage.
He
tells
me
what
a
great
job
did
and
how
much
he
loves
the
joke.”
“Two
years
later,
he’s
doing
that
as
his
last
joke
on
The
(Original)
Kings
Of
Comedy,
and
he’s
doing
it
verbatim,”
he
said.
Katt
says
he
initially
let
Cedric
slide
for
stealing
his
joke
but
that
all
changed
when
Cedric
denied
taking
any
material
from
him.
“He
thought
that
was
just
a
no-name
comedian
and
that
he
could
take
this
joke
and
nobody
would
know,”
Williams
said.
Katt
Williams’
Joke
vs
Cedric
The
Entertainer’s
JokeThoughts
pic.twitter.com/RKnQo5eOwR
—
Evil
Joe
(@JoeMahgi)
January
3,
Naturally,
Cedric
the
Entertainer
responded
on
Instagram,
claiming
that
Katt’s
retelling
of
events
is
“Revisionist
History.”
“Regardless
of
whatever
Katts
opinion
My
career
can’t
be
reduced
to
One
Joke
Katt
Williams
claims
as
his,”
his
comment
continued.
“I
been
[in]
over
movies,
my
specials
and
brand
speaks
volumes
for
am.
The
ppl
have
put
on
including
‘Katt
in
the
Hat.’
At
the
Gibson
Amphitheater.”
Cedric
The
Entertainer
called
Katt
Williams
“corny
af”
for
talking
“tough”
in
this
sit
down
with
Shannon
Sharpe!
https://t.co/UF9aiq4mz7
pic.twitter.com/TXmFcW6JGP
—
TheShadeRoom
(@TheShadeRoom)
January
3,
Other
buzzy
moments
of
the
interview
included
Katt
calling
Steve
Harvey
“Mr.
Potato
Head,”
claiming
Tyler
Perry
and
Rickey
Smiley
“can’t
play
a
man
to
save
their
life”
in
movies,
and
roasting
Michael
Blackson.
You
can
read
the
full
breakdown
here.
Katt
Williams
fried
Rickey
Smiley
and
Tyler
Perry
😂
pic.twitter.com/pmVlNXFAco
—
Green
Villain
(@DJGreenVillain)
January
3,
Since
Katt
Williams
Shaded
The
Shit
Out
Of
Rickey
Smiley
and
Tyler
Perry
Today.
“Him
And
Tyler
Perry
Can’t
Play
Man
To
Say
They
Life.”
pic.twitter.com/g1wvMepmU6
—
Maddie’s
Green
Reading
Dress
(@PoeticJusticeK)
January
4,
“Most
comedians
don’t
get
booed
enough.
That’s
how
you
end
up
with
Michael
Blackson,
who
is
a
real
African,
doin
a
fake
African
accent.”
–
Katt
Williams
pic.twitter.com/HhgWR0Sqo2
—
philip
lewis
(@Phil_Lewis_)
January
3,
What
was
your
fave
moment
of
the
interview?
Do
you
think
Steve
Harvey
will
respond?
Tell
us
down
below
and
peep
the
messiest
reactions
to
Katt’s
deliciously
messy
interview
on
the
flip.