It appears that the Grand Dame’s DUI drama is more serious than RHOP‘s Karen Huger let on because firefighters had to “pull her” from her car after it caught on fire, and police say she smelled like alcohol.
Source: Dimitrios Kambouris / Getty
Initial reports of Karen’s single-car collision sounded like a crisis averted. The outcome could’ve been devastating, especially if the Maryland Matriarch was under the influence, as the Montgomery County Police suspected.
As BOSSIP previously reported, the Real Housewives of Potomac OG refused a breathalyzer at the scene. In a statement about the incident, she blamed reports of her driving in an “aggressive manner” before the crash on her “emotional state.” She said a conversation about her late mother triggered overwhelming grief earlier that night.
New Details From Karen Huger’s DUI Crash
According to Radar Online, an incident report revealed more details about how dangerous the night really was. Karen is lucky to walk away from the accident only “bruised up a bit” as first responders reportedly had to pull the Surry County queen from the wreck. If they hadn’t, her life could have been on the line because her Maserati caught fire.
“Crews extinguished a small fire under the vehicle with a water extinguisher,” the report said.
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Police and fire departments arrived at the scene of the accident at 11:50 PM on Tuesday. Law enforcement took Karen into custody following her refusal to test her blood alcohol level. Police charged the Bravo star with driving a vehicle while impaired by alcohol and driving while under the influence of alcohol.
Karen hasn’t yet publicly acknowledged the DUI and DWI charges, or whether her night out involved drinking. However, the accident and descriptions of her driving weren’t the only reasons authorities believed she drank too much.
According to TMZ, the cops said Karen had several signs indicating intoxication. The police report described bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, and a “strong smell of alcohol” on her breath. After a search of her vehicle, officers also found two bottles of the alcohol Stella.
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Karen also has criminal charges for negligently driving a vehicle in a careless and imprudent manner, endangering property, life, and person, as well as recklessly driving a vehicle in wanton and willful disregard for the safety of persons and property.
Her regal rap sheet also includes driving a vehicle on the highway with suspended registration, failure to control vehicle speed on the highway to avoid a collision, and driving a vehicle in excess of reasonable and prudent speed on the highway.
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Authorities later released the La’Dame founder with a suspended license. She has not yet addressed the criminal charges, but she will have to face them. The date was set for an upcoming mandatory court appearance.
Thank goodness no one, including the Grand Dame herself, got seriously hurt. Karen thanked a “Guardian Angel” for keeping her safe from a possible “head-on collision.” Maybe that same angel will look out for Karen when she has her day in court.