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Howard Stern – Source: Jim McIsaac / Getty
Howard Stern recently ranted about NBA players ignoring him during games and Twitter can’t believe his level of delusion.
As the New York Knicks advance in the playoffs for the first time since Patrick Ewing was on the roster, celebrities are coming out of hiding to support them. Never to be left out of the conversation, Howard Stern took this chance to let out a personal frustration. During his radio show, Stern ranted about NBA players not acknowledging him in his courtside seat while speaking to the likes of Spike Lee.
He also wondered if it was for “racial” reasons.
“The Knicks have been very kind to me,” Stern told his co-host Robin Quivers on his Monday SiriusXM Radio show according to Mediate. “They put me right in the front row. That’s when I knew I was famous.” he continued. “They put me courtside! And the Black players won’t come over and say hello to me,” Stern said. “But they go over to Spike Lee.”
“They don’t acknowledge you at all?” Quivers asked.
“No. I’ll be sitting next to Tracy Morgan or Chris Rock. You know, they seat you where they seat you. And a lot of times when I’m there, I’m next to Tracy Morgan, who is so funny. And he’s sitting there and like, a couple of the players will come over. They like give him that bro shake and stuff. And I’m like — these guys should hug me too,” Stern continued. “I mean, what am I? I grew up in a Black neighborhood, you know what I mean? I mean they should know that. But I get ignored.”
Stern continued,
“You think it’s a racial thing?” his co-host Quivers asked. “I’m sure they talk to some white people.”
“No, not that I saw,” Stern claimed. “I want them to. I want them to talk to me, I want them to come over and go, ‘Hey Howard, fan of the show!’ Or something. I don’t get that. And, you know who comes up to me sometimes — the referees. White guys and Black guys, they’ll come up to me, White referees and Black. Like, ‘Hey Howard, hey.’ But yeah, a lot of the White referees. So I’m like, oh, is everything racial now?”
“I just get upset. I’m like, you know, fame to me is very important. I’ll admit it. I like people to recognize me,” Stern said. “I’d like to think it’s a white thing, not my personality. I hope it’s racial. That’s all.”
Social Media Discusses The Real Reason NBA Players Don’t Acknowledge Howard Stern
While Howard Stern thinks the whole ordeal is because he’s “white” the real answer is a little more simple. The average NBA player is a little over 26 years old so it’s highly likely that they have no idea who he is.
Social media definitely thinks that’s the case and once his comments hit the airwaves, they wasted no time roasting Stern for his delusion.