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On Saturday, about a month and a half after Biden took office, the Senate passed his first major piece of legislation: the American Rescue Plan, aka the $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package. It’s only the third such bill since much of the country went into lockdown just under a year ago, and it’s a doozy, extending unemployment insurance through the summer, earmarking plenty for state and local aid, and even earmarking a bundle to make ACA health plans more affordable.
But there was one significant part of the package that most caught people’s attention: The $1400 headed each American’s way. That’s over twice the amount from the last stimulus package, from late November, which didn’t even make it to a large chunk of Americans’ bank account.
When the bill passed, and people realized they were due another wave of money — again, only the third such payment during a once-in-a-century pandemic that has laid waste to much of American life — people took to Twitter to celebrate.
Biden’s $1.9 trillion #stimuluspackage got passed. Stimmy on the way! pic.twitter.com/ACW1rfJcUl
— NUFF (@nuffsaidny) March 6, 2021
My bank account after my $1400 stimmy hits #stimuluspackage #AmericanRescuePlan #CovidReliefBill pic.twitter.com/3CYcSVhYQD
— A Blessing (@BLM_004) March 6, 2021
Waitin on my #stimuluspackage pic.twitter.com/0jhOL9ZjP2
— scaryhourssss (@scaryhourssss) March 6, 2021
Me now that the $1,400 bout to hit #stimulus #stimmy #stimuluspackage pic.twitter.com/AIbn7beSAe
— Qing Serenity (@QingSerenity) March 6, 2021
When my 1200$ stimmy come in #stimuluspackage pic.twitter.com/MhNlnuohNy
— memory lane (@bitchiwas999) February 27, 2021
Although some wanted it posthaste, especially given how badly the last round of stimulus payments was bungled.
Every American waiting for their $1400 now. #stimuluspackage #AmericanRescuePlan #CovidReliefBill pic.twitter.com/c0qrtj5Mci
— Jeff Kingman (@JeffKingman) March 6, 2021
#stimuluspackage passed. Let’s get on with the $1,400. pic.twitter.com/NHnsNwhJbi
— Lou From DelCo (@IslanderNation) March 6, 2021
Me on the phone with the bank cause my stimmy hasn’t hit yet #stimuluspackage pic.twitter.com/mOp617j8vn
— María Britto Farías (@MariaBrittoF) March 6, 2021
Send the stimulus fuck money baby #stimuluspackage pic.twitter.com/byzT6emCdR
— Virgil (@TheRealVirgil) March 6, 2021
Some wondered why it wasn’t even larger.
1.9 trillion dollars and we only get about 9% of that #stimuluspackage pic.twitter.com/M8Za8rqsXc
— Salem (@DasPoosh) February 27, 2021
Many knew they weren’t going to spend it wisely.
My $1,400 stimmy after I go online shopping for 30 minutes #stimuluspackage pic.twitter.com/PJi3x6b7Qe
— ᴛᴀʏʟᴏʀ (@Taylors_Knees) March 6, 2021
I can’t wait to pay off my mortgage with this next stimulus check #stimuluspackage pic.twitter.com/XG1xRDvtbQ
— The Wolf of All Streets (@jeff22096) March 6, 2021
“You better use that stimmy wisely”
Americans:#stimuluspackage pic.twitter.com/Q8RM82m7QE
— María Britto Farías (@MariaBrittoF) March 6, 2021
“Don’t worry, mom. I’ll invest in my stimmy wisely.”#StimulusCheck #stimuluspackage pic.twitter.com/1ZZWJ2DYa0
— Gamerpunk (@Gamerpunk8) March 6, 2021
My stimulus money as soon as it enters my bank account #stimuluspackage pic.twitter.com/16wLWlZHbe
— Emily French (@emmydot101) February 27, 2021
When my wife start talking about all the smart shit we should do with the #stimuluspackage money. pic.twitter.com/TRUkniHTnw
— Pierceton Stealz (@P_Stealz) February 27, 2021
And some reminded everyone that while every Democrat in the Senate voted for it, zero Republicans joined them.
When you get your $1400 check from the government, remember every republican in the senate didn’t want you to have it.
— Ethereal bisexual who wears mostly black (@Travon) March 6, 2021
Please don’t lecture Democrats about bipartisanship when every Republican just voted against $1,400 stimulus checks, funding to reopen schools, and extended unemployment benefits, legislation that 76% of Americans support.
— Matt McDermott (@mattmfm) March 6, 2021
Not one Republican voted for the Covid Relief bill.
But every Republican voted for the 1.5 trillion in tax cuts for the rich when Trump was in power.
NEVER VOTE REPUBLICAN!#KidVicious https://t.co/FA4r3ICPvX
— Kirk Acevedo (@kirkacevedo) March 5, 2021
In any case, don’t expect that money to hit your account right away. The bill still has to pass through a second round in the House, and then it has to land on Biden’s desk. But hopefully you’ll get it sooner rather than later. Or never.