Bossip
Video
Nicki
Minaj
is
posing
with
her
beary-cute
precious
prince
for
Vogue
while
reflecting
on
her
forthcoming
fifth
album
and
misconceptions
that
she’s
“mean.”
Source:
Norman
Jean
Roy
/
Vogue
For
the
publication’s
December
cover
story,
Minaj,
40,
did
a
wide-ranging
interview
on
several
topics
including
the
process
of
writing,
recording,
mixing,
and
re-mixing
Pink
Friday
ahead
of
its
December
release.
Not
only
that,
she
also
opened
up
about
motherhood,
marriage,
and
false
narratives
about
her
attitude.
Source:
Norman
Jean
Roy
/
Vogue
Related
Stories
According
to
Onika,
she
is
not
“mean”
as
some
people
have
alleged
her
to
be,
because
that’s
not
who
she
is
at
her
core.
Instead,
the
rapper
admits
that
she
can
have
passing
“b***”
moments.
“When
hear
the
word
mean,
think
about
the
core
of
who
the
person
is,”
said
Minaj.
“I
always
tell
people
that
the
difference
between
being
mean
and
being
a
b***
is
that
b***
passes.
B****
comes
and
goes.
Mean
is
who
you
are.
could
be
the
biggest
b***,
at
the
height
of
my
b***-ness,
but
if
the
person
may
be
cussing
out
at
that
time
needs
something
from
me,
I’m
going
to
give
it
to
them.
have
to
be
able
to
look
in
the
mirror
and
be
okay
with
myself.”
She
also
went
on
to
emphasize
that
further
while
filming
the
famed
“73
Questions
with
Vogue.”
“What
is
the
biggest
misconception
about
you?”
she
was
asked.
“That
I’m
mean,”
Minaj
answered.
See
more
Nicki
Minaj
for
Vogue
below.
Source:
Norman
Jean
Roy
/
Vogue
On
marriage:
“Because
I’ve
known
my
husband
for
so
long,
there’s
an
ease
we
have
with
each
other,”
she
explains.
“We
make
each
other
laugh.
We’re
silly.
And
we’re
always
reminiscing
about
some
old
story.
If
it
was
a
guy
that
met
as
Nicki
Minaj,
think
I’d
feel
like
they
liked
me
because
I’m
Nicki
Minaj,
and
what
if
don’t
look
like
Nicki
Minaj
every
day?
And
that,
combined
with
pregnancy,
would
probably
have
made
me
crazy.”
Marriage
and
motherhood
promised
to
be
escapes,
after
all,
from
Nicki
Minaj
the
brand.
“I
think
that
deep
down
inside,
believed
that
once
had
a
family,
would
just
lose
the
desire
to
make
music,”
she
says.
“I
would
always
tell
people,
‘Watch,
when
have
a
child
I’m
going
to
cook
every
meal
for
him
and
bake
cookies
every
day.’
Maybe
subconsciously
hoped
my
focus
would
just
be
on
being
a
mother,
and
looked
forward
to
that
idea.
It
felt
like
a
relief.
But
what
happens
is
that
you
find
out
you
have
to
work.”
On
motherhood
and
the
stress
it
put
on
her
marriage:
Minaj
has
not
publicly
revealed
the
name
of
her
son,
whom
she
prefers
to
call
Papa
Bear.
She
and
Petty
navigated
his
infancy
with
no
help
whatsoever
save
for
an
occasional
brief
visit
from
a
grandparent.
She
never
felt
so
exhausted
in
her
life,
even
on
her
three
world
tours.
She
remembers
the
atmosphere
of
commiseration
that
pervaded
her
marriage
at
the
time.
“I’m
not
going
to
lie,
things
got
testy
between
us,”
she
recalls.
“Because
of
our
history,
think
we
knew
we’d
get
past
it.
But
there’s
no
such
thing
as
confidence
in
parenthood.
kind
of
wish
that
someone
had
told
me—although
I’m
sure
wouldn’t
have
been
able
to
understand
it—that
there’s
a
level
of
anxiety,
and
you
think
it’s
going
to
go
away,
but
in
fact
it
gets
scarier.
So
often
you
think:
don’t
know
how
to
do
this!”
On
mom
guilt:
“Well,
if
I’m
going
to
have
mom
guilt
regardless,
might
as
well
continue
doing
the
only
thing
know
how
to
freaking
do,
which
is
make
music.”
Source:
Norman
Jean
Roy
/
Vogue
On
body
positivity:
“I
just
looked
at
a
video
that
posted
on
Instagram
when
was
25,
and
would
f****g
pay
to
look
like
that
right
now,”
she
says.
“But
today
can
say
that
I’m
at
peace
with
who
am
and
how
look.
have
to
say
this
as
a
Black
woman,
though.
I’ve
made
certain
choices
for
my
son,
to
not
give
him
sweets
and
candy
and
juices,
because
of
illnesses
like
diabetes
that
run
in
our
community.
I’m
not
in
favor
of
body
positivity
if
it
means
unhealthy
bodies.
That’s
bull.
It’s
not
believable,
so
let’s
stop
pretending.
Recently
had
to
get
a
breast
reduction,
and
actually
love
it.
used
to
want
a
bigger
butt,
and
now
look
back
and
realize
how
silly
that
was.
So—love
your
curves,
and
love
your
non-curves.
There’s
nothing
wrong
with
any
of
it.”
Writer:
Rob
Haskell
Photographer:
Norman
Jean
Roy
Fashion
Editor:
Max
Ortega
Hair:
Lacy
Redway
and
Dionte
Gray
Makeup:
Raoúl
Alejandre
Vogue’s
December
issue
is
available
on
newsstands
nationwide
on
November
21.