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Time was the GOP would sing the praises of the U.S. military — or at least use them as a cudgel with which to beat Democrats. Those days, apparently, are over. Donald Trump made anyone fair game, and his minions have no trouble throwing soldiers — who the former president reportedly once called “losers and suckers” — under the bus. So when Matt Gaetz dared attack a decorated general, people weren’t having it.
Earlier Wednesday, Gaetz made waves when he got owned by General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, after claiming teaching Critical Race Theory — or the idea that the nation has deeply racist roots, which is undeniable — is somehow making soldiers “woke.” Milley responded that teaching it is a good thing, and that he found Gaetz’s accusation “personally offensive.” The congressman’s petulant response quickly became a social media meme, and rightly so.
Gaetz didn’t raise his voice to the general. But later, in safety on Twitter, he blasted Milley, writing, “With Generals like this it’s no wonder we’ve fought considerably more wars than we’ve won.”
With Generals like this it’s no wonder we’ve fought considerably more wars than we’ve won. https://t.co/wt43YAs6cU
— Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) June 23, 2021
A guy who’s never served who has mounting legal debt and ties to a sex trafficking ring talking down to a respected military leader? It didn’t go over so well. There were many parts of Gaetz’s personal life to dredge up, and some went for his DUIs.
The guy who’s spent years getting his daddy to make his DUIs disappear and paying child sex traffickers to get laid has some thoughts about how to run the military.
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) June 23, 2021
He fights to keep his car in his lane on the freeway too but he often loses that battle. pic.twitter.com/BabXYIMTTS
— Ben WAPiro (@WapiroBen) June 23, 2021
Others chose his more recent legal woes.
With congressmen like you it’s no wonder underage females must stay vigilant for predators
— Exploding Space Pillow Singh, MD (@labyrinthweaver) June 23, 2021
Dude embarrassed you lol, which is kinda hard to do at this point seeing as how you’re being investigated for fucking teenagers
— Mankrik’s Wife (@Marty_Shannon) June 23, 2021
We? Unless you count struggling with Venmo’s privacy settings as a war, “we” haven’t fought in a war.
— Jorge A. Caballero, MD (@DataDrivenMD) June 23, 2021
Sex trafficker says what? pic.twitter.com/8a9QILMfN6
— ptothed (@ptothed1) June 23, 2021
Reminder: Matt Gaetz has never fought for anything except a good seat in Chuck E. Cheese. https://t.co/hoSCUOMWLf
— MeidasTouch.com (@MeidasTouch) June 23, 2021
Or his lack of military service.
Thank you @mattgaetz @RepMattGaetz for your years of service in the military and for fighting for freedom around the world. No one better to speak to the General’s comments than a fellow soldier who’s been on the battlefield and risked his life for the country he loves. pic.twitter.com/afemWdK67k
— Rick Mayer (@RickMayer_Vinyl) June 23, 2021
It’s amazing how those who never served their country are the first to mock those who bravely did.
Sit down.
— lc (@lcatboonies) June 23, 2021
Hey Matt, when exactly did you serve?
— PMCM (@Lasttoletyoudwn) June 23, 2021
That time a soon-to-be-indicted congressman, who only ever fought Don, Jr. over the last line of cocaine, gets owned by a General, so calls our entire military losers. #Patriotism https://t.co/aAZuaIouAN
— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) June 24, 2021
Or his lack of military service and his more recent legal woes.
When did you serve, Congressman? Underage girls aren’t allowed in the barracks, FYI.
— Rachel Vindman (@natsechobbyist) June 23, 2021
buddy the only war you fought is against age of consent
— kilgore trout, dna harvester (@KT_So_It_Goes) June 23, 2021
“we’ve fought”???!??!
Sorry, didn’t realize that committing sexual assault on minors and then paying them off was a war. I mean Venmo can be a bit tricky but I wouldn’t call it “war”.
— Mandolyn Hicks (@mandolynhicks) June 23, 2021
Some intimated that he might be a coward.
Why didn’t you say that when General Milley was in the room? Actually, we know why.
— Mark R. Yzaguirre (@markyzaguirre) June 23, 2021
Others saw him as emblematic of the new GOP.
Today’s Republican party. Anti-military, anti police and anti-democracy. https://t.co/gV9dJsNpLe
— Joe Lockhart (@joelockhart) June 24, 2021
GOP: “Support Our Troops, Y’all!!!”
Ted Cruz: “Our troops are pansies.” May 20, 2021
Matt Gaetz: “Our troops are losers.” June 23, 2021 https://t.co/aAZuaIouAN
— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) June 23, 2021
Anyway, next time Republicans try to hector Democrats for insufficient patriotism, show them Matt Gaetz’s tweet. Perhaps by then he’ll already be in jail.