Kid
Cudi
wore
a
dress
on
Saturday
Night
Live,
and
a
fan
attempted
to
connect
his
appearance
to
a
humiliation
ritual
conducted
by
The
Illuminati.
Well,
Cudi
had
some
time.
“Dear
Issac
u
silly
stupid
lil
person
and
all
people
under
this
post,”
Cudi
opened.
“It’s
the
start
of
a
new
year
and
got
time
for
muthafuckas
like
u
today.
This
most
is
mad
fuckin
lame
of
u
and
said.
“A
black
man
cant
express
himself
and
be
confident
successful
with
out
it
being
some
conspiracy.
My
success
was
givin
to
me
by
God
with
the
help
of
my
many
angels.”
Advertisement
You
can
read
Cudi’s
full
comments
below.
Dear
Issac
u
silly
stupid
lil
person
and
all
people
under
this
post.
Its
the
start
of
a
new
year
and
got
time
for
muthafuckas
like
u
today.
This
post
is
mad
fuckin
lame
of
u
and
sad.
black
man
cant
express
himself
and
be
confident
successful
with
out
it
being
some…
https://t.co/dOPPP8Zbqn—
The
Chosen
One
(@KiDCuDi)
January
2,
Kid
Cudi
Wears
Dress
During
‘Saturday
Night
Live’
Performance
For
Kurt
Cobain
Tribute
Late
last
year,
Kid
Cudi
returned
with
a
bang
as
he
released
“At
The
Party,”
featuring
the
talents
of
Pharrell
Williams
and
Travis
Scott.
The
track
is
the
next
single
from
his
highly
anticipated
ninth
full-length
studio
album,
marking
his
first
full-length
release
since
2022.
Kid
Cudi
has
long
been
known
for
pushing
the
boundaries
of
music
and
art,
and
“At
The
Party”
is
poised
to
continue
that
legacy.
With
Pharrell
Williams
and
Travis
Scott
on
board,
this
collaboration
promises
to
be
a
standout
addition
to
the
artist’s
discography.