Bossip
Video
Keke
Palmer
is
the
latest
star
to
grace
the
cover
of
Teen
Vogue.
Source:
Andy
Jackson
/
Teen
Vogue
In
her
cover
story
with
the
mag,
Palmer
opens
up
about
just
how
many
changes
she
went
through
in
2023.
Those
transformations
include
becoming
of
and
the
record
label
Big
Bosses
Entertainment,
turning
and
becoming
a
mom
to
her
son,
Leodis.
“When
was
younger,
used
to
have
so
much
anxiety.
love
to
perform,
but
is
that
something
that
can
last
forever?”
Keke
asked.
“I
think
always
would
wonder,
is
it
something
that
times
out?
Obviously,
you
have
people
that
have
been
acting
their
entire
careers….
but
just
never
knew
how
could
scale
myself.”
That
thought
process
is
how
became
the
next
step
in
her
career
evolution.
“If
you
were
a
lawyer,
you
want
to
get
to
be
a
partner,”
she
continued.
“I
didn’t
understand
what
the
version
of
that
was
for
me.
Some
people
become
directors
or
they
become
a
producer
or
they
become
the
head
of
Paramount.”
Because
Palmer
has
been
in
the
entertainment
industry
for
nearly
her
entire
life,
she
wants
to
take
that
knowledge
and
use
it
to
teach
and
empower
the
next
generation.
“When
you
create
generational
wealth
within
underserved
communities,
you
create
wealth
within
our
entire
economy,”
Keke
explained.
“My
hope
and
my
desire
is
to
teach
people
the
skills
that
have,
to
teach
them
how
to
brand
themselves,
how
to
be
entrepreneurs,
how
to
work
within
a
system,
but
also
use
that
system
to
create
something
that’s
unique
to
them.
In
doing
that…
I’m
not
behind
the
eight
ball.
And
now
my
son,
he
can
start
at
stage
instead
of
having
to
start
at
stage
one
like
did.
want
other
people
to
have
that
[too].”
While
talking
about
her
son,
Palmer
also
revealed
that
the
sacrifices
she
was
forced
to
make
so
young
have
allowed
her
to
be
a
mother
in
a
way
she’s
always
dreamed
of.
“I
100%
feel
like
money
doesn’t
buy
you
happiness.
I’m
not
always
happy
because
of
my
money.
But
the
[financial]
security
have
with
my
son
is
a
stress
reliever,”
she
admits.
“I’m
not
saying
that
a
mom
that
is
struggling
isn’t
patient,
because
know
that
they
are.
But
if
they’re
not,
it’s
like,
‘I
get
it,
Miss
Lady….’
So
when
look
at
the
position
that
I’m
in
and
the
kind
of
parent
that
am
or
that
I’m
becoming,
think
it’s
remiss
[not]
to
say
that
have
a
lot
of
help.”
The
new
mother
goes
on
to
explain
that
it
truly
does
take
a
village,
noting
that
she
and
her
home
village
share
a
few
principles:
Positive
head
spaces,
respect,
no
judgment
and
unconditional
support.
“It’s
more
about
keeping
Leo
insulated
with
the
people
that
know
and
trust,
that
don’t
just
love
him,
but
love
themselves,”
Keke
explained.
“That’s
really
big.
It’s
important
that
he
has
good
examples.
He
observes
everything.
It’s
about
giving
him
the
proper
role
models
and
making
sure
my
family
is
around.”
You
can
read
more
from
Keke
Palmer’s
cover
story
with
Teen
Vogue
here.