Source:
Courtesy
/
Starz
Dangerous
secrets
are
revealed
as
Famous
unburdens
himself
to
Kanan,
and
Raq
finally
tries
to
make
amends
with
Lou.
Marvin
struggles
with
his
role
as
stage
dad,
and
Howard
attempts
to
get
closer
to
the
Task
Force.
This
week’s
episode
began
with
Raq
getting
a
surprise
visit
from
Pernessa.
Not
only
was
she
pounding
on
Raq’s
front
door,
when
Raq
opened
it,
Pernessa
was
pointing
a
gun
at
her.
She
asked
Raq
where
Unique
was
and
of
course
Raq
had
no
clue.
After
Pernessa
continued
accusing
Raq
of
doing
soemthing
to
Unique
and
confessing
her
love
for
him,
Raq
was
able
to
take
the
gun
from
her
possession.
Raq
explained
that
the
only
reason
she
didn’t
kill
her
was
because
she
knows
Unique
wouldn’t
want
her
to.
After
Pernessa
calmed
down,
Raq
again
emphasized
that
she
didn’t
do
anything
to
Unique.
Raq
then
brought
up
Ronnie,
who
Pernessa
didn’t
think
would
do
such
a
thing
to
his
younger
brother.
Speaking
of
murders,
the
one
Famous
committed
is
still
weighing
heavily
on
his
conscious.
On
a
new
track,
Famous
explains
how
he
feels
and
has
felt
since
killing
Freddy.
In
a
deep
conversation,
Lou
tells
Famous
that
he
has
to
let
out
all
of
the
poison
inside
of
him
on
the
mic.
He
made
it
clear
that
if
you
say
things
out
loud,
they
get
lighter.
He
ended
by
telling
him
to
let
his
truth
save
him.
This
is
advice
that
played
a
key
part
in
what
happened
during
the
rest
of
the
episode.
After
Agent
Tanner
shares
that
he
doesn’t
believe
Crown
had
anything
to
do
with
all
the
recent
crime,
Howard
asks
him
if
they
have
any
other
suspects
in
mind.
Tanner
responds
by
telling
him
that
he
can’t
share
that
information
with
anyone
who
isn’t
on
the
team.
Juke’s
team
had
a
rehearsal
for
some
record
executives
that
didn’t
necessarily
go
as
planned.
Once
the
girls
finished
performing,
Marvin
began
pleading
his
case
for
the
record
executives
to
rock
with
the
girls
and
for
Juke
to
be
the
lead.
This
immediately
upset
Juke,
causing
her
to
kick
her
father
out,
despite
him
apologizing
and
trying
to
explain
his
actions.
Famous
got
back
to
the
crib
and
decided
to
explain
some
things
too.
Remembering
what
Lou
told
him,
Famous
finally
admitted
to
knowing
how
the
gun
got
in
Kanan’s
bag.
Kanan
was
enraged
after
hearing
what
his
best
friend
had
been
keeping
from
him.
He
was
so
angry
that
he
kicked
Famous
out
of
his
own
house.
Apparently
Marvin
didn’t
mess
things
up
for
the
girls.
The
record
executives
thought
that
there
might
be
something
there.
Ironically
enough,
N’Kiyah
didn’t
and
had
a
lot
of
complaints.
She
stated
that
the
girls
choreography
was
sloppy,
their
chemistry
was
nonexistent
and
no
one
has
stepped
up
to
be
the
leader.
She
challenged
all
three
girls
to
prove
that
they
were
the
best.
Raq
was
on
to
something
when
she
mentioned
Ronnie’s
name
to
Pernessa.
When
Unique’s
baby
mother
returned
home,
she
walked
in
on
Ronnie
taking
Unique’s
jewelry.
When
she
tried
to
stop
him,
Ronnie
threw
Pernessa
to
the
floor
before
grabbing
a
bag
and
leaving
without
saying
a
word.
At
Raq’s
house,
a
lot
of
words
were
being
said.
Ms.
Walsh
made
another
surprise
visit
right
as
Kanan
and
Raq
were
in
the
heat
of
an
argument
about
the
gun
incident.
The
person
who
saved
Kanan
from
getting
in
trouble
for
that
was
trying
to
do
the
same
for
himself.
Howard
visited
Captain
Baptiste
and
asked
him
if
he
could
get
moved
to
Narcotics
since
there
was
about
to
be
an
opening.
He
promised
that
if
he
could
have
the
gig,
he’d
get
the
task
force
off
of
Baptiste’s
back.
With
his
brother
out
the
way,
Ronnie
again
visited
Juliana
in
hopes
of
doing
business.
She
explained
that
their
business
is
between
them
two
only
and
there
we
saw
the
beginning
of
a
new
partnership.
As
we
might’ve
expected,
Kanan
held
it
down
when
talking
to
Ms.
Walsh.
She
told
them
that
she
was
satisfied
with
how
things
stood
at
the
moment
and
although
she
would
be
back,
she
was
encouraged
by
what
she
seen.
Upon
Ms.
Walsh’s
departure,
Kanan
and
Raq
picked
their
argument
right
back
up.
Raq
told
Kanan
that
once
he
got
older
he’d
understand
why
she
did
everything
that
she
did.
Before
he
walks
off,
he
declared
that
he
would
never
understood
any
of
it,
especially
not
her.
At
Cafe
Vous,
Shirley
pours
Marvin
up
a
drink
once
she
notices
he’s
not
feeling
too
hot.
Lou
comes
over
and
can
tell
that
something
is
bothering
his
brother.
Marvin
shares
what
happened
with
Juke
earlier
in
the
day.
Lou
encourages
his
older
brother
to
keep
trying
because
“the
family
sh-t”
isn’t
easy.
Something
that
seems
to
have
become
easy
for
Kanan
is
moving
his
weed.
Part
of
that
has
to
be
due
to
the
fact
that
Kanan
has
a
lot
of
delivery
boys,
most
of
which
he
got
from
Paul.
Paul
once
again
approaches
Kanan
and
complains
about
the
couriers
not
working
for
him
as
much
because
they’re
with
Kanan.
Kanan
explains
that
he
pays
them
more
and
that’s
why
they
come
back
to
him.
After
Kanan
puts
his
foot
down,
Paul
rescinds
his
threat
to
call
the
cops
and
snitch
on
him.
The
two
meet
in
the
middle
and
Kanan
gives
Paul
two
delivery
guys
to
use
for
the
day.
The
whole
interaction
between
Kanan
and
Paul
was
being
watched
by
none
other
than
Ronnie
himself.
Surprisingly,
Ronnie
only
came
to
invite
Kanan
to
a
party
that
he
was
throwing
later
that
night.
Kanan’s
parents
met
up
in
a
secret
location
to
discuss
Unique.
Although
he
didn’t
have
much,
Howard
confirmed
Unique’s
death
to
Raq.
In
the
midst
of
their
conversation,
Raq
broke
down
the
difference
between
someone
who’s
aware
and
someone
who
is
scared.
She
emphasized
that
she’s
aware.
Back
at
their
crib,
Juke
is
looking
at
her
test
results
(it
said
“Congrats,
You
qualified”)
when
Marvin
walks
in.
He
apologizes
for
how
he
acted
the
day
before
at
the
rehearsal.
Understanding
what
he
was
trying
to
do,
Juke
also
apologizes
to
her
father
for
yelling
at
him.
She
shares
that
he
might’ve
been
on
to
something
when
it
comes
to
her
being
the
leader
of
the
group.
In
yet
another
heartwarming
moment,
Marvin
admits
that
he
needs
Juke’s
help
with
understanding
how
to
be
a
good
father.
Obviously,
the
whole
Thomas
family
needs
help
at
this
point,
especially
Raq
and
Lou.
The
matriarch
of
the
family
came
and
apologized
to
her
younger
brother
for
missing
his
club
opening.
Raq
tried
to
offer
her
brother
love,
support
and
respect
but
Lou
doesn’t
want
to
hear
it
at
all.
Lou
brings
up
that
there
is
nowhere
for
the
two
of
them
to
go.
He
angrily
mentions
how
she
always
used
him.
He
continues
by
mentioning
that
if
he
would’ve
told
her
no
in
the
past,
D-Wiz,
Scrap
and
Zisa
all
might
be
alive.
Before
he
can
finish
his
statement,
Raq
reminds
him
that
he
has
bodies
all
on
his
own
and
he
needs
to
take
responsibility
for
them.
The
heavy
conversation
caused
Lou
to
pick
up
the
bottle
and
drink
once
Raq
left,
something
we
haven’t
seen
him
do
in
two
episodes.
As
they
sat
at
the
park
and
discussed
their
daughters,
Gerald
told
Marvin
that
he
thought
about
it
and
writing
a
story
about
Juke
might
make
sense
for
him
at
The
Voice.
After
Marvin
thanks
Gerald,
a
guy
who
worked
at
Lanes
and
knew
Toni
Deep
(Marvin’s
ex
fling
from
Seasons
and
2)
approached
them.
Marvin
played
it
smooth
and
acted
as
if
he
didn’t
know
him
or
Toni.
Unfortunately
for
him,
Gerald
seemed
to
be
hip
that
he
was
definitely
hiding
something.
Kanan
still
was
hiding
a
lot
from
Juke
also.
He
brought
her
and
Iesha
to
the
party
later
that
night
and
Juke
was
a
bit
shocked
to
see
that
it
was
Ronnie’s
party.
After
she
brings
up
Unique
missing,
and
Ronnie
says
that
he’s
taking
a
break
and
he’ll
be
back,
they’re
interrupted.
Snaps
and
Pop
introduce
themselves
to
Kanan
and
mention
that
Ronnie’s
been
telling
them
that
business
is
boomin’
for
him.
Kanan
responds
that
he’s
just
making
ends
when
Juke
asks
him
what
business.
Then
she
asks
Kanan
what
happened
between
him
and
Famous,
to
which
he
pretty
much
ignores
stating
that
they’re
at
a
party.
Feeling
jealous
and
uneasy,
Juke
steps
in
between
Kanan
and
Iesha
while
they’re
dancing.
She
says
it’s
because
her
and
Iesha
had
practice
in
the
morning.
Although
that
might
have
been
part
of
the
reason,
it
wasn’t
the
main
one.
Kanan
reluctantly
agrees
to
leave
with
the
girls
until
Ronnie
comes
up
and
lets
him
know
that
some
old
heads
want
to
meet
him.
Juke
tries
to
stop
Kanan
by
telling
Ronnie
that
they’re
leaving
and
Kanan
doesn’t
need
to
be
talking
to
any
“thugsters”
anyways.
After
Ronnie
claims
that
they
aren’t
thugs,
Juke
shows
how
observant
and
knowledgeable
she
is
by
pointing
out
all
the
players
that
are
present
at
the
party.
Kanan
ends
up
deciding
to
stay.
Juke
tells
Kanan
that
Raq
wouldn’t
want
him
there
to
which
he
responds
and
says
he
doesn’t
care
what
his
mother
wants.
Back
at
the
studio,
all
Lou
wanted
to
do
was
clear
his
head.
We
once
again
see
him
having
a
hallucination
of
Scrappy
(this
time
he’s
playing
a
video
game).
distraught
Lou
continues
drinking,
as
he
fights
his
demons.
Later
at
the
club,
Ronnie
came
out
and
told
Kanan
that
they
wanted
to
work
with
him.
Pop
and
Snaps
explained
that
they
flirted
in
different
work,
stuff
with
a
higher
upside
and
that
was
easier
to
move.
Kanan
was
confused
on
why
they
needed
him
if
all
he
had
was
people
on
bikes.
They
continued
their
pitch
by
making
the
point
that
he’s
already
up
and
running.
Kanan
responded
by
letting
them
know
that
his
business
was
just
him
and
had
nothing
to
do
with
his
mother.
After
Pop
confirmed
that
they
already
knew
that,
Ronnie
seamlessly
said
“F-ck
Raq.”
Snaps
also
said
it
after
him
as
Kanan
sat
there
soaking
up
everything
that
was
going
on.
At
Raq’s
property
(where
one
of
the
pipes
in
a
building
bursted),
her
and
Marvin
had
a
talk
that
will
change
the
trajectory
of
the
season.
Raq
expressed
her
frustration
with
the
fact
that
it
seemed
like
everyone
was
trying
her
at
the
moment.
Interestingly
enough,
the
cops
that
have
been
harrassing
her
all
season
drove
past
at
the
same
time.
Next,
Marvin
brought
up
Unique.
Raq
confirmed
that
he
was
dead.
Raq
continued
venting
by
telling
her
brother
that
she
only
really
left
the
game
because
she
felt
like
it
was
the
right
thing
to
do
and
it
was
an
easy
choice
considering
how
her
business
was
going
at
the
time.
She
finally
admitted
that
being
a
landlord
wasn’t
for
her.
She
emphasized
to
Marvin
that
she
was
put
on
Earth
to
move
weight
and
she
needed
to
stop
trying
so
hard
not
to
be
herself.
Back
at
the
club,
all
the
old
heads
were
getting
ready
to
take
a
picture.
Before
they
did,
Snaps
called
Kanan
over
and
made
sure
he
was
in
it.
The
next
day,
Raq
and
Marvin
made
their
way
to
see
Stefano,
who
was
delighted
to
see
them.
After
Stefano
offered
his
apologies
about
Unique,
Raq
told
him
that
she
wanted
to
step
into
what
Unique
had
started
with
him.
Stefano
noted
that
Raq’s
coming
and
goings
made
him
hesitant
and
that
he
needed
someone
he
could
count
on.
Marvin
quickly
chimed
in
and
reminded
Stefano
that
he
knew
he
could
count
on
Raq
when
he
needed
Sal
Boselli
taken
out.
This
proved
to
be
the
final
thing
Stefano
needed
to
hear
to
agree
to
get
in
business
with
the
Thomas
family.
Stefano
made
it
clear
that
now
that
Raq
is
back
in,
there’s
only
one
way
out.
Speaking
of
being
in,
Kanan
is
all
the
way
in
now.
He
was
awaken
by
Ronnie
banging
on
his
door.
Once
Ronnie
entered,
he
started
pulling
bricks
out
of
his
bag
and
told
Kanan
it
was
time
to
go
to
work.
It
looks
like
they’re
officially
partners
now.
At
the
police
station,
Tanner
brings
Howard
in
and
asks
him
what
he
knows
about
a
specific
somebody
then
hands
him
a
file
of
the
person.
Howard
responds
by
telling
him
that
the
guy
previously
did
time
on
distribution
and
he’s
always
into
something.
Tanner
then
goes
on
to
tell
him
that
the
person
was
implicated
in
a
cocaine
operation
by
a
witness
who
was
later
murdered
(Toni
Deep).
Tanner
said
that
a
first
grader
could
put
the
pieces
together
as
we
see
the
person
of
interest
just
so
happens
to
be
Marvin.
The
episode
ended
with
Lou
taking
the
same
advice
that
he
gave
Famous
earlier
in
the
episode.
drunken
Lou
went
to
Scrappy’s
mother’s
house
and
spilled
all
the
beans
about
what
happened
to
her
son.
He
apologized
and
took
blame
for
what
happened,
as
Scrappy’s
mother
sat
there
in
total
shock
and
disbelief.
How
will
Lou’s
confession
impact
the
rest
of
the
family?
What
will
Scrappy’s
mom
do
with
the
information?
How
will
Kanan,
Ronnie,
Snaps
and
Pops
business
venture
work
out?
When
will
Juke
tell
Raq
about
Kanan?
What
can
we
expect
from
Raq
now
that
she’s
back
in
the
game?
Will
Marvin
end
up
back
in
jail?
There
are
so
many
questions
we
still
have
left
with
only
four
episodes
left
in
the
season.
Let
us
know
what
you
thought
about
this
episode
and
what
you
think
will
happen
on
the
next
one
in
the
comments!