Hopefully,
you
had
yourself
a
Source:
Kevin
Mazur/WireImage
for
Christmas
was
the
most
wonderful
collection
of
festive
vibes,
stunning
celebrity
sleighs,
gorgeous
family
portraits,
thoughtful
gift
exchanges,
warm
and
fuzzy
new
holiday
movies,
and
holly
jolly
hilarity
across
social
media.
Once
again,
reigning
Queen
of
Christmas
Mariah
Carey
descended
from
the
holiday
heavens
to
carry
us
through
December
after
last
year’s
disappointing
season
that
“wasn’t
the
greatest.”
According
to
even
with
all
the
joy
surrounding
the
holiday,
it
isn’t
always
fun
for
the
legendary
songstress.
“Years?
What
are
years?
I’m
unfamiliar
with
them,”
the
54-year-old
legend
joked
in
her
digital
cover
story
with
adding
that
she
prefers
to
live
“Christmastime
to
Christmastime.”
“I’ve
been
looking
forward
to
this
Christmas
for,
like,
the
whole
year,”
she
continued.
“Since
last
year–because
last
year
wasn’t
the
greatest.
I’m
thankful
for
them
all,
but
it
wasn’t
my
most
fun
version
of
Christmas
ever.”
Last
holiday
season,
she
was
officially
denied
the
title
‘Queen
of
Christmas’
by
the
Federal
Trademark
Board
which
put
a
cloud
over
her
campaign
but,
like
any
legend,
she
bounced
back
and
dazzled
crowds
at
her
sold
out
“Merry
Christmas
One
And
All!”
shows.
Elsewhere
in
the
profile,
she
opens
up
about
her
children
Roc
and
Roe
joining
in
on
her
holiday
festivities.
“As
they
grow
up
and
decide
what
to
do
with
their
lives,
it’s
really
nice
for
me
to
be
able
to
see
them
performing
onstage.”
Carey
says
she
doesn’t
want
to
speak
too
much
for
them,
wanting
to
let
Roc
and
Roe,
as
she
calls
them,
be
their
own
people.
“I
even
like
watching
them
getting
ready,
preparing
to
perform.
Tonight,
before
left
the
house,
my
son
was
practicing
on
something
he’s
doing
for
the
show.”
During
the
show
Roc
raps
during
“Here
Comes
Santa
Claus,”and
Roe
sings
with
her
mom
on
“Jesus
Born
on
This
Day.”
How
was
your
Christmas
this
year?
Did
you
get
everything
you
wanted?
Tell
us
down
below
and
enjoy
the
funniest,
wildest,
and
pettiest
tweets
from
Christmas
on
the
flip.