Bossip
Video
Source:
Rob
Carr
/
Getty
As
the
saying
goes,
“Atlanta
is
not
a
real
place”
and
there’s
a
good
chance
that
at
some
point
over
the
past
hours,
you’ve
seen
the
following
viral
video
that
exemplifies
the
meaning
of
that
saying
while
scrolling
down
your
social
media
timelines…
It’s
like
a
scene
straight
out
of
The
Jerry
Springer
Show
and
there
was
no
Steve
Wilkos
around
to
save
the
day.
According
to
Yahoo!
News,
the
police
report
from
the
incident
has
identified
the
feisty
fighter
as
Harvest
&
Grounds
employee
Shacoria
Elly
and
states
that
she
became
angry
with
one
of
the
store’s
managers
over…espresso
shots.
Again,
“Atlanta
is
not
a
real
place”.
There
are
very
few
details
explaining
how
shots
of
espresso
turned
into
unmitigated
violence
but
clearly,
Shacoria
was
present
and
accounted
for
when
it
comes
to
the
smoke.
Fortunately
for
her,
she
dipped
from
the
scene
before
officers
could
arrive.
The
police
report
states
that
she
was
“terminated
from
her
position”
and
security
officials
at
the
airport
confiscated
her
badge,
however,
there
is
no
sign
that
the
Atlanta
Police
Department
will
be
charging
her
with
a
crime
despite
committing
several.
Let’s
take
a
step
back
from
the
fracas
to
acknowledge
the
brotha
who
smoothly
and
effortlessly
disarmed
Lil’
Shawty
Shacoria
as
she
attempted
to
launch
a
bar
chair
into
her
opps.
All’s
well
that
ends
well,
right?