Using the word “Cheeto” to diss Donald Trump is far from a new thing. Ever since he became a Republican frontrunner, detractors have been drawing on his gross orange skin for jokes and japes. But it is new when a noted Republican makes that joke. On Wednesday’s blistering episode of The View, that Cheeto-brandishing Republican was no less than Meghan McCain.
The conservative commentator has long been on the anti-Trump side of her party, but she’s always come down harder on Democrats, among them her four regular colleagues. That changed on Wednesday. The GOP seems to be coming for Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney, one of the highest ranking Republicans in Congress. Why? She’s one of the few in her party brave enough to stand up to Trump and his toadies. She doesn’t believe in the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him. And now the rest of her party, still in thrall to a disgraced former president who now lives in a resort with strangers, seems to want her to lose power.
McCain wasn’t having it. She launched into a beautiful tirade against her party. The message that’s being sent by the highest member of Republicans in Congress is that women like me and Liz Cheney who refuse to bend the knee to President Trump, but still remain loyal Republicans, we don’t have a place in this party,” she said. “We’re worthless. We’re not worth fighting for to keep. It’s Kafkaesque to spin in this any other way.”
She added: “What’s happening is it’s clear — I’ll be a little crass: They’re shivving her for her saying the election wasn’t stolen and refusing to debase herself to Cheeto Jesus.”
The whole rant was incredible, but people dwelled on the “Cheeto Jesus” line.
Meghan McCain calls Trump “Cheeto Jesus”. pic.twitter.com/lmKoDykgKe
— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) May 5, 2021
Lots of people who righteously despise McCain couldn’t help but give her props.
Holy shit — can’t stand Meghan McCain, but:
“Cheeto Jesus””sausagefest of MAGA””cacophony of asinine politics”
Worth a watch. https://t.co/NMnA6Kfe75
— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) May 5, 2021
Wow. This is the first time The View’s Meghan McCain opinion was tolerable listening to. Cheeto Jesus”? “GOP sausagefest” on Capitol Hill”?? Nice touch. https://t.co/sLXCdRT3ol
— April (@speakout_april) May 5, 2021
Meghan McCain, I still hate you. But I will honor the usage of Cheeto Jesus for the rest of my days.
— Kate (@ImSpeaking13) May 5, 2021
Wish I didn’t know who Meghan McCain was referring to as “Cheeto Jesus” … but I think we all do .., pic.twitter.com/O5zA88Cc12
— teatime75 (@teatime75) May 5, 2021
Who the fuck gave Meghan McCain an extreme makeover before The View today? She also made sense for the first time ever. Bet it is Cindy.
— Kate (@ImSpeaking13) May 5, 2021
Meghan McCain is usually pretty useless, but her point about KKKevin killing the GOP for “Cheeto Jesus” is spot on.
— Howard (@HowardA_Esq) May 5, 2021
Soon a new nickname was born.
Cheeto Jesus contemplating his mean fax to Meghan McCain. pic.twitter.com/Olp0B6NXRS
— Your Malarkey is Malarkey (@Keytobe1) May 5, 2021
New Masterpiece Called “Cheeto Jesus” ….. Named By Meghan McCain……. Please Retweet! pic.twitter.com/eDMBap3fry
— INDICT TRUMP….. (@TRUMPTRIAL1) May 5, 2021
Meghan McCain called Trump, Cheeto Jesus! That’s fucking hilarious and the truth!! LOL!! pic.twitter.com/cX4yp3btz5
— 𝓑𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓮𝓑. (@3SidecarsPlz) May 5, 2021
But some were wary of trusting someone like Meghan McCain, who could have come for her party a lot earlier, to put it mildly.
Regarding Meghan McCain’s slam of Trump https://t.co/JpE0fFRX6b
— maura quint (@behindyourback) May 5, 2021
But for now, kudos, Meghan McCain. Welcome to the resistance.