Bossip
Video
The
new
week
is
here
and
we’re
back
with
a
brand
new
set
of
horoscopes
to
help
you
plan
for
the
week
ahead
by
checking
what
the
stars
have
in
store!
Source:
iOne
Digital
/
Tommy
de
Yampert
Here’s
another
week
of
astrological
forecasts,
courtesy
of
our
favorite
—
Psychic
Zya.
Astro
Overview:
It’s
safe
to
say
the
New
Year
has
started
off
with
a
bang
across
the
board
especially
here
in
the
And
frankly
expect
more
crazy
revelations
along
with
a
collective
grand
awakening
of
spiritual
consciousness.
That
said,
this
week
we
have
a
triple
Capricorn
planetary
placement:
while
the
Sun
is
currently
transiting
the
Great
Goat,
a
New
Moon
in
Cappy
on
the
11th
and
Mercury
joining
the
Cap
train
on
the
13th
completes
the
trifecta.
This
means
that
we
can
literally
knock
out
goals
of
all
shapes
and
sizes
as
well
as
shift
our
financial
realities
rapidly.
This
is
a
great
placement
to
have
at
the
beginning
of
the
year
–
especially
if
you’re
motivated
enough
to
make
things
happen.
Take
note
that
you’ll
have
to
work
to
not
be
so
cold
and
emotionless
–
core
Cappy
traits.
It’s
best
to
balance
drive
with
intuition
and
taking
soft
moments
to
pause,
reflect
and
listen
to
the
other
person’s
Alrighty,
lets
see
what’s
in
store
for
you
this
week.
Did
you
know
that
you
can
book
a
psychic
reading
with
at
Source:
iOne
Digital
/
Tommy
de
Yampert
This
week
you’ll
have
three
major
planets
in
your
sign
–
the
Sun,
Mercury
and
a
New
Moon.
Which
is
great
for
hitting
the
ground
running
on
long
and
short
term
goals,
new
fitness
programs
and
more.
But
it’s
horrible
for
not
getting
stuck
in
our
ways,
dead
end
communications
and
coming
across
as
unfeeling
to
those
who
may
be
more
deeply
emotional.
So
Cappys
work
to
balance
your
hardcore-ness
with
soft
notes
of
open
communication,
laughter
and
proper-good
snuggles
with
furry
friends
and
friendly
humans
alike.
Mmmkay?
Triple
check
all
auto-payment
bills
–
it
looks
as
though
you’re
being
overcharged
on
a
few
things.
If
you’re
newly
single,
don’t
stress
it-
update
your
winter
wardrobe
and
head
to
your
fave
hobnobs
or
get
your
summer
revenge
body
ready
Keep
reading
for
more
horoscopes!