Bossip
Video
The
new
week
is
here
and
we’re
back
with
a
brand
new
set
of
horoscopes
to
help
you
plan
for
the
week
ahead
by
checking
what
the
stars
have
in
store!
Source:
iOne
Digital
/
Tommy
de
Yampert
Here’s
another
week
of
astrological
forecasts,
courtesy
of
our
favorite
—
Psychic
Zya.
Astro
Overview:
This
week
we
are
moving
full
speed
into
the
Age
of
Aquarius
with
so
many
prominent
planets
moving
into
this
sign-
expect
this
week
to
be
subtly
(or
not)
transformative.
Spend
a
lot
of
time
being
introspective
and
observe
the
choices
that
you
make
–
are
they
healthy
patterns
or
destructive?
Don’t
judge
yourself
just
get
to
the
root
of
the
why.
Expect
a
bit
of
a
rumble
on
the
American
political
stage
(yes
there’s
more)
and
surprising
reveals
from
some
beloved
celebrities
who
has
this
sign
prominent
in
their
planet.
Transits
to
note:
New
Moon
in
Aquarius
on
Feb
9th
which
will
now
line
right
up
with
both
the
Sun
and
Pluto
in
Aquarius
pushing
us
deeper
into
the
Age
of
Aquarius.
Under
this
New
Moon
you
can
do
a
simple
ritual
of
writing
down
some
of
the
ways
you
seek
to
expand
your
consciousness
/spirituality
over
the
next
days
as
well
as
call
in
new
friends
and
partners
that
can
help
you
do
this.
Then
on
the
10th,
we
slip
mentally
into
this
sign
as
Mercury
joins
the
Aquarian
party
bringing
with
it
a
fresh
wave
of
mental
activity
–
enhance
this
by
taking
in
a
ton
of
helpful
information
in
any
way
that
you
see
fit.
As
a
spiritualist
I’m
always
going
to
encourage
you
to
expand
your
spiritual
gifts
and
your
consciousness.
Also
it’s
totally
cool
to
wear
those
zany
outfits
–
Aquarians
love
“zany”
—
especially
if
you’re
bopping
around
during
which
kicks
off
the
fashion
season
on
the
9th,
or
you’re
taking
in
Art
during
Mexico
City’s
gloriously
indulgent
art
week
which
kicks
off
on
the
7th.
Alrighty,
let’s
see
what
the
stars
have
in
store
for
you.
Did
you
know
that
you
can
book
a
psychic
reading
with
at
Source:
iOne
Digital
/
Tommy
de
Yampert
Cappys
are
known
for
being
grounded
and
levelheaded
which
is
great.
However
will
be
pretty
tumultuous
and
you
may
find
that
you
all
are
anchored
into
your
power
while
others
around
you
are
floundering.
Be
empathetic
but
pay
attention
to
those
who
use
hidden
jealousy
to
poke
holes
into
your
confidence
or
work
very
hard
to
pull
you
into
some
drama
that
has
nothing
to
do
with
you.
Some
old
flames
may
rear
their
raggedy
heads.
Keep
them
on
block
and
don’t
falter-
nothing
has
changed.
Use
this
Aquarian
energy
to
step
out
of
your
comfort
zone-
try
a
new
dish
or
a
new
unusual
nail
polish
color.
Keep
reading
for
more
horoscopes!