If
a
story
starts
with
“Alright,
so
boom,”
you
know
it’s
about
to
be
a
good
one.
Source:
Courtesy
/
Bossip
That’s
the
vibe
of
our
brand-new
podcast
of
the
same
name,
hosted
by
Nzinga
Imani,
Rae
Holliday
and
Janeé
Bolden.
Digging
into
the
origin
stories
of
celebs
is
kind
of
our
thing,
and
every
week,
we’ll
go
into
all
the
behind-the-scenes
details
about
your
faves.
Memphis
rapper
Gloss
Up
was
the
guest
on
Episode
of
Alright,
So…
podcast
and
it
was
truly
a
gift
to
the
hosts.
We
started
out
our
interview
by
asking
the
Quality
Control
rapper
about
unusual
celebrity
encounters
and
discovered
she
had
a
very
recent
run-in
with
Houston
hottie
Megan
Thee
Stallion.
“I
just
met
Megan
the
stallion
the
other
day,”
Gloss
Up
told
the
pod.
“That’s
my
favorite
rapper.
We
went
to
Hottieween
wasn’t
gonna
go
because
we
were
shooting
all
day
and
wanted
to
get
my
hair
done.l.
was
crying
really.
She
was
hugging
me
the
whole
time.
I’ve
been
loving
that
girl
since
she
came
out.”
Gloss
may
have
lost
her
cool
meeting
Meg,
but
she
says
she
still
remains
down
to
earth
despite
inhabiting
the
same
space
as
her
faves,
like
Meg,
and
Lil
Baby,
whose
tour
she
just
finished
as
an
opener.
“I
still
feel
normal,”
Gloss
said.
“I
don’t
want
to
feel
like
no
celebrity.
I’m
being
myself
and
just
don’t
got
time
for
that.
I’m
not
no
fake
person.”
Gloss
Up
has
had
a
banner
year,
which
also
included
a
much
coveted
spot
performing
in
the
hip-hop
cyper.
She
says
she
enjoyed
the
experience
but
revealed
it
also
came
with
a
few
challenges.
“It’s
so
crazy
because
they
gave
me
Latto’s
beat,
‘Put
It
On
The
Floor,’”
Gloss
recalled.
“I
had
a
week
to
write
to
the
beat.
had
already
did
a
freestyle
to
it,
but
you
can’t
curse
so
knew
couldn’t
do
my
old
verse
or
whatever
but
got
to
and
the
hour
before
[recording]
they
changed
my
beat.
had
to
change
my
whole
verse
and
remember
it
now.
got
a
lot
of
respect
on
it.
Everybody
knows
that’s
one
of
my
specialties,
that
could
freestyle.”
Like
friend
and
fellow
Memphis
rapper,
GloRilla,
Gloss
Up
grabbed
the
industry’s
attention
with
a
little
help
from
producer
HitKidd
as
one
of
the
four
rappers
featured
on
Shabooya
,
but
she
revealed
she’s
not
new
to
this
as
her
rap
roots
go
very
deep.
“I’ve
been
rapping
since
was
a
little
girl,”
Gloss
Up
told
“Since
like
2008.
was
always
rapping.
Me
and
my
best
friend,
we
was
doing
songs
together,
me
and
the
girls
was
doing
songs
together.
We
dropped
“Set
The
Tone,”
first,
that
song
did
good
and
we
were
just
feeling
the
energy,
we
finna
blow…
We
just
kept
feeling
it.
got
pregnant
back-to-back.
kind
of
took
like
a
little
break
or
whatever.
My
baby
was
like
weeks
wow
and
Glo
dropped
“FNF.”
He
looked
at
her
and
seen
all
the
other
girls,
so
for
some
reason,
he
seen
me
and
was
like,
‘I
want
the
chubby
one.’
He
hit
me
up,
HitKidd,
hit
me
up
and
he
was
like,
‘You
ready
for
your
moment?’
After
we
found
out
that
Glo
got
signed,
he
was
like,
‘You
ready
for
your
moment?’
I’m
like,
‘Yeah
what’s
up?’
came
down
here,
met
up
with
him
a
few
times
and
knew
this
was
what
wanted
to
do.”
We
asked
Gloss
Up
about
her
creative
process
and
how
she
likes
to
work.
She
told
us
that
she’s
tried
a
lot
of
different
approaches,
including
going
to
the
studio
under
the
influence,
to
see
what
works
best
but
said
ultimately
the
biggest
thing
has
just
been
approaching
the
studio
like
a
job.
‘Really
you
gotta
make
me
mad
for
me
to
just
go
ham,”
Glossiana
said.
“I
write
my
best
songs
in
my
car
but
go
to
the
studio
every
day
because
I’m
trying
to
keep
my
momentum
going.
try
to
do
two
songs
every
night.
Sometimes
can
go
in
and
freestyle
but
lately
I’ve
been
like,
‘Just
give
me
this
beat,
I’m
gonna
go
sit
in
my
car
and
just
write
in
my
car
and
then
go
in
the
studio.
When
used
to
be
in
Memphis,
I’d
take
my
kids
to
school
and
used
to
be
writing
in
my
car
and
then
I’d
go
to
the
studio
like
once
a
week,
but
now
go
everyday.
don’t
care
if
go
and
don’t
do
nothing,
if
go
to
the
studio
and
go
to
sleep,
at
least
I’m
there.
go
get
my
hair
done
at
studio,
long
as
I’m
there.
I’ll
get
my
nails
done,
your
hair
done.
just
gotta
make
my
body
be
like,
‘Hey
this
is
your
job.”
Gloss
also
revealed
plans
for
a
group
effort
that
will
feature
her
“Shabooya”
squad,
that
is
tentatively
titled
Homegirls,
as
well
as
her
solo
upcoming
project,
which
is
currently
slated
for
a
first
quarter
release.
“I’m
dropping
my
own
project
again
towards
the
beginning
of
the
year,”
Gloss
told
Alright,
So…
“I
got
like
a
line
up
of
singles.
think
got
some
some
sh*t.”
All
in
all
the
young
and
mother
is
happy
at
the
direction
she’s
taken
and
sees
a
bright
future
ahead.
“Everything
has
really
been
going
good,
it’s
like
trying
to
get
like
my
family
on
board,
like
my
kids
dad
and
stuff
like
that,”
Gloss
Up
told
“That’s
the
only
problem
I’ve
been
having.
You
know
people
be
feeling
some
type
of
when
you’re
going
up.
I’m
trying
to
learn
how
to
be
alone.
But
my
kids
growing
up
is
making
life
easier
for
me
because
they
could
feed
themselves,
they’re
trying
to
go
to
the
pot
now.
can
go
to
the
store
and
they
both
walk
in.
ain’t
gotta
be
carrying
them.
It’s
easier
now
…
love
these
things
for
me
because
ain’t
never
been
alone.
Really
still
ain’t
alone,
just
like
the
fact
that
I’m
getting
out
there
talking
to
new
people
learning
new
stuff
about
myself,
learning
not
to
settle.”
Gloss
also
revealed
some
great
advice
she
received
from
her
A&R/manager
Wayno
and
J.Cole.
“Do
my
homework,
on
like
on
the
older
rap,
if
you
keep
studying,
you’re
gonna
keep
growing,”
Gloss
revealed.
“That
was
the
best
advice.
Also
he
told
me
don’t
be
so
hard
on
myself,
like
no
matter
what
see
on
the
Internet
just
stay
true
to
myself.”
For
all
the
details,
and
a
pretty
wild
story
about
living
you’ve
got
to
check
out
the
full
episode
of
Alright,
So…
Boom!
or
on
Apple
and
Spotify
podcasts.
You
can
also
find
full
episodes
of
Alright,
So…
Boom
episodes
on
the
YouTube
channel.