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Dexter
Wade
should
be
here
right
now
preparing
to
celebrate
the
holiday
with
his
family
and
friends.
Instead,
Wade
has
been
laid
to
rest
surrounded
by
family
and
friends
who
are
grieving
his
death
after
a
tumultuous
seven
months
of
searching
for
him.
While
his
death
might
have
been
an
accident,
the
responsibility
for
the
heartbreaking
search
for
his
body
lies
strictly
with
the
Jackson
Police
Department.
According
to
ABCNews,
Wade’s
family
was
finally
able
to
hold
a
proper
funeral
for
their
beloved
on
Monday
afternoon.
The
Rev.
Al
Sharpton
delivered
the
double-edged
eulogy
designed
to
get
two
very
specific
messages
across.
“I
wanted
to
come
for
two
reasons,
Ms.
Wade,”
Sharpton
said,
addressing
Dexter
Wade’s
mother,
Bettersten
Wade
Robinson.
“I
wanted
to
give
words
of
comfort
to
the
family,
but
wanted
to
give
words
of
discomfort
to
the
state
of
Mississippi.”
“What
happened
to
Dexter
is
a
disgrace,
a
national
outrage
and
should
be
treated
as
such,”
he
added.
“…
His
life
mattered
to
his
mama,
to
his
daughters
and
we’re
gonna
make
it
matter
all
over
this
country.”
Related
Stories
Wade’s
mother
and
two
daughters
were
in
attendance
as
well
as
several
local
activists
but
one
noted
one
attendee
was
Tiffany
Carter
who
is
the
mother
of
Rasheem
Carter.
posted
several
stories
on
Rasheem
as
his
suspicious
death
in
Mississippi
went
largely
unmentioned
in
the
mainstream
media.
Dexter’s
mother
Bettersen
Wade
Robinson
still
believes
that
Jackson
police
engaged
in
a
cover-up
to
protect
the
off-duty
officer
who
struck
and
killed
Dexter
with
his
vehicle.
Family
representative
and
ubiquitous
civil
rights
attorney
Ben
Crump
believes
the
same.
“The
fact
that
Dexter
had
a
state
identification
card
and
several
other
identifying
items
shows
us
that
there
was
a
concerted
effort
to
keep
the
truth
and
manner
of
his
death
from
his
family,”
Crump
said
in
a
statement
on
Thursday.
“There
is
no
excuse,
not
even
incompetence,
for
not
notifying
a
next
of
kin
of
an
identified
man’s
death.”
We
will
continue
to
provide
updates
about
this
case
as
more
information
becomes
available
to
the
public.
Rest
in
peace,
Dexter
Wade.